Aark is a 1000x perpetual DEX powered by LST/LRT liquidity
Aark is the first-of-its-kind in many dimensions:
Single-sided LP, hyper-variety LP, seamless UX, and countless others. These innovations have enhanced the user trading/LP experience to unprecedented levels and are critical in debuting our long-awaited killer feature — the 1000x leverage. Aark introduces a game-changing feature called 'Intervals' to enable 1000x trading by completely eliminating bad debt. Now with all the infrastructure, community, simulations, and UX prepared to support 1000x trading, Aark is ready to soar and leave its brand marked in history.
Aark is the next liquidity layer for LST/LRT:
Any ERC20 token in DeFi can be added to Aark’s pool, and Aark envisions becoming a Yield Layer for DeFi. As a first step, Aark incorporates LST/LRT assets into Aark’s LP pool. These assets work as liquidity for traders and facilitate high volume trades. This enables LST/LRTs to earn attractive real yields generated from trading fees.
Please refer for more about us: [ link ]
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