In the vast expanse of the digital cosmos where ideas orbit the minds of visionaries, Aark met its inception. It began as a spark, a concept rooted in the core of Aark's mission—to navigate the uncharted territories of how people engage with crypto. The designers, inspired by the infinite potential of Aark-itecture, envisioned a symbol that would encapsulate the essence of a vessel, or Noah’s Ark, capable of journeying through the complex nebula of decentralized finance.

The smooth arc of the logo, with its progressive gradient from an enigmatic purple to a vibrant, hopeful pink, reflects the dynamic and evolutionary path of Aark—a vessel built not just to sail but to soar, propelling its community towards a future where new opportunities are as boundless as the universe itself.

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Our UIUX renovation enhances intuitive user interaction and information consumption. Here are the highlights to our design aspect:

  1. Color Coding: Functional color palettes with specific colors corresponding to specific user actions.
  2. One-Action-Per-Page: Streamlining the trading process, dedicating one page to a single action to reduce user churn.
  3. Focus on Core Information: Prioritization of essential data, stripping away non-core elements impeding decision making. Dashboard refined to display only core metrics.
  4. Intuitive Interaction Flow: All features repositioned in alignment with natural user behavior patterns learned through 1:1 interviews; the most frequently used functions placed within immediate range.
  5. Advanced Charting Tools: Smoother live data rendering, customizable indicators, and ability to save chart templates.
  6. Responsive Design for All Devices: Optimized for all screen sizes without compromising on functionality including both mobile and tablet.
  7. Simplified Onboarding: Streamlined journey guided step-by-step through utilizing toasts and pop ups.

Trading — Before/After